Friday, May 6, 2011


Saint Lucia
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: "The Land, The People, The Light"
Anthem: Sons and Daughters of Saint Lucia
(and largest city)
14°1′N 60°59′W / 14.017°N 60.983°W / 14.017; -60.983
Demonym Saint Lucian
Government Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy
- Monarch Elizabeth II
- Governor-General Dame Pearlette Louisy
- Prime Minister Stephenson King[1]
- from the United Kingdom 22 February 1979
616 km2 (191st)
238 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.6
- 2009 census 173,765
- Density 298/km2 (41st)
672/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2009 estimate
- Total $1.746 billion[2]
- Per capita $10,177[2]
GDP (nominal) 2009 estimate
- Total $973 million[2]
- Per capita $5,671[2]
HDI (2009) decrease 0.821 (high) (69th)
Currency East Caribbean Dollar (XCD)
Time zone (UTC−4)
Drives on the left
ISO 3166 code LC
Internet TLD .lc
Calling code +1-758

Saint Lucia (Listeni /snt ˈlʃə/; French: Sainte-Lucie) is an island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. [3] Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. It covers a land area of 620 km2 (238 sq mi) and has an estimated population of 173,765 (2009 census). Its capital is Castries. The island nation has been the home of two Nobel laureates, Arthur Lewis and Derek Walcott. It is the nation with the second most such honorees per capita after the Faroe Islands.

One of the Windward Islands, it was named after Saint Lucy of Syracuse by the French, the first European colonizers. They signed a treaty with the native Carib peoples in 1660. England took control of the island from 1663 to 1667; in ensuing years, it was at war with France 14 times and rule of the island changed frequently (7 times French and British each). In 1814, the British took definitive control of the island. Because it switched so often between British and French control, Saint Lucia was also known as the "Helen of the West Indies."

Saint Lucia has a legal system based on British common law. The judiciary is independent and conducts generally fair public trials. The financial sector has weathered the global financial crisis, but the recession has hurt tourism.

Representative government came about in 1924 (with universal suffrage from 1953). From 1958 to 1962 the island was a member of the Federation of the West Indies. Finally, on February 22, 1979, Saint Lucia became an independent state of the Commonwealth of Nations.[3] The island nation celebrates this every year with a public holiday. It is also a member of La Francophonie.[4]



[edit] History

Europeans first landed on the island in either 1492 or 1502 during Spain's early exploration of the Caribbean.

The island was first settled by the French, who signed a treaty with the local Caribs in 1660. Like the English and Dutch, the French began to develop the island for the cultivation of sugar cane on extensive plantations. After the seven-year war between Great Britain and the France-Spanish coalition was brought to an end by the treaty of Paris (10 February 1763) in which the signatories agreed to an exchange of colonial territories. When the British acquired the island trying to use the Caribs as labourers, they imported enslaved Africans as workers. Many of the Caribs died because of lack of immunity to Eurasian diseases, such as smallpox and measles, and as a result of being overworked and maltreated by the Europeans.

Caribbean conditions were hard, and many slaves died as well. The British continued to import slaves until they abolished the trade due to the slave and Carib revolutionary wars against them. By that time, people of ethnic African and Carib descent greatly outnumbered those of ethnic European background.

Thereafter Saint Lucia was much contested by the two European powers until the British secured it in 1814. It was part of the British Windward Islands colony.

It joined the West Indies Federation (1958–62) when the colony was dissolved. In 1967, Saint Lucia became one of the six members of the West Indies Associated States, with internal self-government. In 1979 it gained full independence under Sir John Compton. Compton, of the conservative United Workers party (UWP), was again prime minister from 1982 to 1996, when he was succeeded by Vaughn Lewis.

Kenny Anthony of the Labour Party was prime minister from 1997 to 2006, when the UWP, again led by Compton, won control of parliament. In May 2007, after Compton suffered a series of ministrokes, Finance and External Affairs Minister Stephenson King became acting prime minister. He became prime minister after Compton died in September 2007.

[edit] Politics

This section needs expanding

Current Prime Minister is Stevenson King (UWP)

Saint Lucia is a Commonwealth realm; Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State of Saint Lucia, represented on the island by a Governor-General. Executive power, however, is in the hands of the Prime Minister and his cabinet.[3] The prime minister is normally the head of the party commanding the support of the majority of the members of the House of Assembly, which has 17 seats.[1] The other chamber of Parliament, the Senate, has 11 appointed members. Saint Lucia is a two-party parliamentary democracy. Prime Minister Stephenson King of the business-friendly United Workers Party took office in 2007. Saint Lucia is a full and participating member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and La Francophonie.

[edit] Quarters

Saint Lucia has 11 quarters, or parishes of the island, under the French colonial government which was continued by the British:

  1. Anse la Raye Quarter
  2. Castries Quarter
  3. Choiseul Quarter
  4. Dauphin Quarter
  5. Dennery Quarter
  6. Gros Islet Quarter
  7. Laborie Quarter
  8. Micoud Quarter
  9. Praslin Quarter
  10. Soufrière Quarter
  11. Vieux Fort Quarter
Quarters of Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia has 17 electoral segments for the 17 seats in the House of Assembly (each with title "Parliamentary Representative"):[1]

  • Canaries & Anse La Raye
  • Babonneau
  • Castries Central
  • Castries North
  • Castries North East
  • Castries South
  • Castries South East
  • Choiseul
  • Dennery North

  • Dennery South
  • Gros Islet
  • Laborie
  • Micoud North
  • Micoud South
  • Soufriere
  • Vieux Fort North
  • Vieux Fort South

[edit] Geography

View of Soufrière
Saint Lucia

The volcanic island of Saint Lucia is more mountainous than many other Caribbean islands, with the highest point being Mount Gimie, at 950 metres (3,120 ft) above sea level. Two other mountains, the Pitons, form the island's most famous landmark. They are located between Soufrière and Choiseul on the western side of the island. Saint Lucia is also one of the few islands in the world that boasts a drive-in volcano.

The capital city of Saint Lucia is Castries, where about one third of the population lives. Major towns include Gros Islet, Soufrière and Vieux Fort. The local climate is tropical, moderated by northeast trade winds, with a dry season from December 1 to May 31, and a wet season from June 1 to November 30.

[edit] Economy

An educated workforce and improvements in roads, communications, water supply, sewerage, and port facilities have attracted foreign investment in tourism and in petroleum storage and transshipment. However, with the U.S., Canada, and Europe in recession, tourism declined by double digits in early 2009. Because of fluctuations in banana prices and possible World Trade Organization–imposed reductions in European Union trade preferences. The recent change in the European Union import preference regime and the increased competition from Latin American bananas have made economic diversification increasingly important in Saint Lucia. The island nation has been able to attract foreign business and investment, especially in its offshore banking and tourism industries, which is the island's main source of revenue. The manufacturing sector is the most diverse in the Eastern Caribbean area, and the government is trying to revitalize the banana industry. Despite negative growth in 2001, economic fundamentals remain solid, and GDP growth should recover in the future.

Inflation has been relatively low, averaging 5.5 percent between 2006 and 2008. Saint Lucia’s currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$), a regional currency shared among members of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECU). The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCL) issues the EC$, manages monetary policy, and regulates and supervises commercial banking activities in member countries. In 2003, the government began a comprehensive restructuring of the economy, including elimination of price controls and privatization of the state banana company.[5]

[edit] Demographics

Castries is the capital city of Saint Lucia

The population of about 170,000 is evenly divided between urban and rural areas, although the capital, Castries, contains more than one-third of the population. Saint Lucia's population is predominantly of African and mixed African-European descent, with a small Indo-Caribbean minority (3%). Members of other or unspecified ethnicity groups, account for about 2% of the population.

The official language is English, however Creole (Kweyol), which is a French-based Creole, is spoken by 95% of the population. Saint Lucian Creole French is used in literature and music, and is gaining official recognition.[6] It evolved from French, African languages, and Carib. Saint Lucia is a member of La Francophonie.

Saint Lucia boasts the highest ratio of Nobel laureates produced with respect to the total population of any country in the world. Two winners have come from St Lucia: Sir Arthur Lewis won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1979, and Derek Walcott received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992. Both were born on the same day in 1915 and 1930, respectively: January 23.

About 70% of the population is Roman Catholic, influenced from the days of French Catholic rule and evangelization. Most of the rest belong to other Christian denominations, including Seventh-day Adventisms (7%), Pentecostalism (6%), Anglicanism (2%), Evangelical Christianity (2%), and the Baptist faith; in addition, about 2% of the population adheres to the Rastafari movement.[7]

Despite a high emigration rate, the population is growing rapidly, about 1.2% per year. Migration from Saint Lucia is primarily to Anglophone countries, with the United Kingdom having almost 10,000 Saint Lucian-born citizens, and over 30,000 of Saint Lucian heritage. The second most popular destination for Saint Lucian expatriates is the United States, where combined (foreign and national born Saint Lucians) almost 14,000 reside. Canada is home to a few thousand Saint Lucians. Most other countries in the world have fewer than 50 citizens of Saint Lucian origin (the exceptions being Spain and France with 124 and 117 Saint Lucian expats respectively).[8]

[edit] Health

Public expenditure on health was at 3.3 % of the GDP in 2004, whereas private expenditure was at 1.8 %.[9] Health expenditure was at US$ 302 (PPP) per capita in 2004.[9] Infant mortality was at 12 per 100,000 births in 2005.[9] There is one public hospital and one private hospital in St Lucia. There was a second, but it was burnt down in a fire in the early hours of September 9, 2009.[10]

[edit] Culture

The culture of Saint Lucia has been influenced by African, East Indian, French and English heritage. One of the secondary languages is Creole, a form of French patois.

[edit] Festivals

Saint Lucian cultural festivals include La Rose and La Marguerite, the first's representing the Rosicrucian order, and the second's representing Freemasonry.[11] This can be seen on a mural painted by Dunstan St Omer, depicting the holy trinity of Osiris, Horus and Isis.

Traditionally in common with other Caribbean countries, Saint Lucia held a carnival before Lent. In 1999, the government moved Carnival to mid-July to avoid competing with the much larger Trinidad and Tobago carnival. It wanted to attract more overseas visitors.

In May 2009, St Lucians commemorated the 150th Anniversary of West Indian Heritage on the island.

[edit] Music and dance

A popular folk dance is the Quadrille.

Together with Caribbean music genres such as soca, salsa, zumba and reggae, Saint Lucia has a strong indigenous folk music tradition.

Each May since 1991, Saint Lucia has hosted an internationally renowned Jazz Festival.

The dancing in St. Lucia comes from the Caribbean and is quite active.

[edit] Education

The Education Act provides for free and compulsory education in Saint Lucia from the ages of 5 to 15.[9][12] Public spending on education was at 5.8 % among the 2002-2005 GDP.[9] Saint Lucia has one university; University of the West Indies Open Campus,[13] and a few medical schools, the oldest of which is Spartan Health Sciences University.

[edit] Tourism

Tourism is vital to Saint Lucia's economy. Its economic importance is expected to continue to increase as the market for bananas becomes more competitive. Tourism tends to be more substantial during the dry season (January to April). Saint Lucia tends to be popular due to its tropical weather and scenery and its numerous beaches and resorts.

Other tourist attractions include a drive-in volcano, Sulphur Springs (at Soufrière), the Botanical Gardens, the Majestic twin Peaks "The Pitons", A world heritage site, the rain forests, and Pigeon Island National Park, which is home to Fort Rodney, an old British military base.

The majority of tourists visit Saint Lucia as part of a cruise. Most of their time tends to be spent in Castries, although Soufriere, Marigot Bay and Gros Islet are popular locations to visit.

A panorama of Marigot Bay

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See also(copy of wikipedia)

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